a sea bunny

salem | he/they

the universal charm society logo

salem's charm collection <3

sunflower divider

charms i've made!

a pink sparkly cowboy hat. it says yeehaw!

free charms i've made! take whichever you like!

sea bunny charm

charms i've collected!

heaven's signature charm
nblemind's signature charm
a strawberry
the charm of the month (march 2021)
zimmehs signature charm
orange juice
zyra charm
an owl by snarbs
martons booby charm
sunflower divider

where to find me :)

if you see a charm you want just let me know!! i'm happy to give it to you!! i'd be really happy if you sent me your charms as well!! if you ever wanna make charms for eachother let me know, it sounds like fun!! :D

DISCORD: cowboy lover#3495
EMAIL: [email protected]

a universal charm society button
a seabunny plushie